
My "Team Calendars" display on my My Yahoo page seems to be stuck on the week 2/27/07 thru 3/5/07?

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My "Team Calendars" display on my My Yahoo page seems to be stuck on the week 2/27/07 thru 3/5/07?




  1. This is a huge problem among "My Yahoo' users.

    It seems to have started around 2-25-07.  Many/most modules were not updating.  Then it seems two weeks or so later they were updating around midnight, but were out of date again by morning.

    This weekend it seems to have stared updating properly again----we will see.

    There is NOTHING you can do to fix it yourself.  It is a problem that originates from Yahoo.

    Do not change anything on your computer.  It does not help, and can mess things up.


    THANK YOU DENIS!!  It has been a pleasure following this problem with you!   LOL!!

  2. The Lovely Heather is correct. It's a Yahoo! bug. I corrected it briefly by upgrading to the new MyYahoo! beta (,... but this morning that page too is displaying 4-day-old content. Contact customer service and tell them to get off their butts and fix this! Let them hear from as many of you as possible. The squeaky wheel, and all that.

  3. Yours and everyone else's!  Another in the long list of problems with Yahoo.  And try to get a reply from Yahoo - good luck!

  4. Yahoo needs a section in "help" that informs user of tech problems.

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