
My "x" girlfriend say she never lied to me about anything but i know she did how can i get her to tell truth?

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after we broke up (she was cheating) i know some of the things she told me were not the truth but she has never admitted to anything and says i am the one who is out of control why cant she just tell me the truth it does make her look bad why does she haft to keep blaming me for all things that happened i don't understand




  1. she is ur ex rite? so uve already gotten rid of the cheater... so i think its best to move on... while u are trying to find all these answers for the past you are delaying getting a new girlfriend... if u know she was lying to u why do you need to confirm it?

  2. If shes your ex girlfriend just move on and get over her and u dont need a liar. She blames you more cause its easier to do then seeing her self for the fault in the relationship keeps her from believing that it ending might have been her fault.  

  3. maybe she wants you to be happy

  4. yu cant.

    yu know the truth, and she knows the truth. so maybe leave it at that and move on.

    being lied to hurts nd im guessng u feel betrayed, but her admiting wat u both alredy know wont make a difference to ur pain, unless she apologises maybe. but a forced apology isnt the real thing, a forced apology doesnt count it has to come from the heart.

    help me?;...

    good luck wit it all nd sorry.

  5. She is probably just ashamed of the thing she did so she just blames it all on you.  

  6.    You did say ex girlfriend right? So you know she lied and cheated , you have moved on so forget her and find a woman you can trust. You already said she has never admitted to anything so don't keep harping on the same old thing. It is over, done  finished , so move on already.

  7. If she cheated on you why do you care.  If you know and she is still lying, there is not much more to talk about.  

    If you want to get her to tell the truth, call her out on it.  Let her know you know.  Show her proof.  That should do it.

    Some people will deny forever.  For example, Barry Bonds still says he never took steroids.  But we all know he did.  How can we make him tell the truth?  

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