
My rabbit had little white worms that kinda looked like magots. what is it???

by  |  earlier

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i cleaned out my rabbits cage today and in his p**p there were little white worms. idk wat they are. r they life threatening? there were a lot of the worm things




  1. She probably has fleas are they moving if they are not than it might be the egg!

  2. sounds like tapeworm segments. worms can be harmful if left untreated a vet can get rid of them. i would not suggest using an over the counter dewormer because they are often uneffective.

  3. They are maggots.

    It sounds like your rabbit has a frequently fatal disease called 'fly strike'- you must get it treated ASAP.

  4. Ok, what you have to do now is pick up your rabbit and check it over, make sure it has none of these 'worms' on it's fur or skin. If it does then it more then likely have flystrike. Where flies lay eggs on the p**p stuck on rabbits fur, p**p can be stuck on their fur if they sleep in their litter box or are too obese to clean themselves properly. This condition is life threatening and needs to be treated urgently.

    What I think it is is worms. You will have to go to your vet and he will tell you the right treatment and dosage to give your rabbit, you need to get him treated for this as they can be passed to humans or kill your rabbit

  5. They probably are maggots. How often do you clean the cage? Flies will lay eggs in p**p or wet moist litter. I've seen it, it's not pretty.

    That could be the cause or it could be "Fly Strike" as someone mentioned above.

    Here is a link that will explain fly strike in rabbits.

    Make sure you clean the cage properly and often. You should see a vet soon.

  6. It sounds like a fatal diesease if not treated by a vet. You should hurry up and bring him in for a visit. Don't worry, he'll be okay if and once treated I don't see it can be anything else but maggots or tapeworms.

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