
My rabbit has a lump on the side of his face?

by  |  earlier

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it's about the size of a gollf ball and he's qute thin because he cant eat much i'm fatening him up, could the lump because of being to thin -he doesnt eat hay either-could the lump go away on it's own if he gets fatter




  1. it could be a tumor or an absess. he could be sick and that's why he isn't eating. you need to take him to a vet

  2. It is probably an abscess, its likely to be something to do with his teeth if he has had an operation. You need to take him to the vets so they can start him on antibiotics and help out his teeth.

  3. This is quite common in rabbits who have teeth problems.

    Your rabbit will not get any heathier if you leave this problem and will most certainly die if ignored. The lump will not go away on its own so you must see the vets. Ask you vet if you could spread the cost of paying for the treatment as you are on a low income. A good vet will not say no as he/she would be more interested in making your rabbit better.

    The possible cause being: a tooth's root is growing up into the cheek and the rabbit will need antibiotics straight away and a x-ray to see what it happening in the cheek.

    The rabbit has a 50/50 % chance of survival with this sort of abscess. This is because the survival rate will depend on how bad the cheek bone and face tissue damage is, whether the damage has reached the facial nerves and caused damage and whether it is operable to remove the bad tooth.

    I have plenty of experience with rabbits with maloccluded teeth as i have rescued a lot. I have seen rabbits with this problem, the most recent being a new zealand white who had the same symptoms. Unfortunately it was not just one tooth that had caused the problem and the damage was too extreme.

  4. As you have said he has had some teeth out it could be where the teeth were removed form has become infected causing an absess. this would need vet treatment as i dout it would go away by its slef.

    Also has he been vaccinated?

    if no keep an eye out for puffy swellings around the head and face. 'Sleepy eyes', swollen lips, tiny swellings on the inside of the ear and puffy swelling around the a**s and genitalia.

    As myxi can cause lumps on the head and is on the rise in some parts of the uk.

    But it is more likley to be a tooth problem.

  5. It could be a patato

  6. he really does need to go to a vet

    and if he cant eat well, he needs to see a vet aswell

    maybe it wont cost too much?


  7. he needs to go to the vet its more than likely an abcess m rabbit snowy had the same, i was given antibotics to put in his water and he is still fine and bouncy!

  8. OK this is going to sound crazy but this really happens.. I had a rabbit that had a large bump on the side of his face also.. well it turns out to be a worm living inside my rabbits skin it was called a wolf worm.. many outside animals come in contact with this larvae from bot flies.. So the vet actually got it out with tweezers and its disgusting by the way and it was big! It will kill  the animal eventually as it gets  deeper inside the animal.. also many cats and other animals get them.. here is a link i saw from a kitten that had one.. hopefully this helps..

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