
My rabbit is 7 weeks old it poos a lot will it poo less when its older?

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my rabbit is 7 weeks old it poos allot I have to clean the cage every day or second day.when its older will it poo less.




  1. Rabbits poo a lot regardless of age.Sorry.

  2. its what you feed it

  3. WHy does it matter how much it poos? It means more fertiliser for your plants :)

  4. If it poos too much, consider the following delicious recipe:



    1 lg. can tomatoes, mashed

    1 onion, chopped

    Curry powder to taste

    Parboil rabbits, cut in pieces. Drain and dry. Then brown the pieces with salt and pepper to taste. Next prepare mixture using tomatoes, onions, curry powder, salt and pepper. Add browned rabbit pieces to mixture and stew at low temperature for 3 to 4 hours. Thicken juice with flour and water for the gravy. Meat will fall off the bones.

  5. a lot less because you will clean it regularly and give it fresh water and fresh food and fresh bedding and more exercise . What colour is it ?

  6. It won't poo less, if you are tired of cleaning the poo, I prefer you get a hutch with a wire floor on the bottom, unlike Guinea Pigs rabbits can endure the wire floor, and when it poops, cleaning the dropping would be much easier as you can sweep it off the floor.

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