
My rabbit is injured

by  |  earlier

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I was holding her and she started struggling and jumped out of my arms and landed on the floor in a bad way. One of her nails was bent at an odd angle and there was blood. My mum won't bring her to the vet because she says she has no money and the vet isn't open on a Sunday.

I rinsed the paw under the cold tap and we cleaned it with a first aid antibacterial wipe and wrapped a bandage around the paw. It's not bleeding anymore and the nail has gone back to it's normal position although it's probably not attached properly and will probably fall off.

She doesn't seem to be in much pain, it only seems to hurt if you touch the nail. She's acting normally and l*****g me and she hops as normal without a limp.

What should I do?




  1. you might be ok but i would still take it to the vets because sometime when a small animal bleeds from its claw it dosent stop properly and can cause more problems than you think

  2. I have got a rabbit myself and I would say save up until you get £20 then go on a day when you are off from what you are doing then asc your mum and go to the vet.

  3. Carry to the vet would probably be the best/ if not that rabbit stew would be nice

  4. You can always tell if a pet is in pain, because it will hunch up quietly in a corner, not eating or drinking. If your rabbit is hopping about, eating, drinking, and acting normally, there isn't too much to worry about. Keep an eye on that paw, and if it shows any sign of infection - redness, swelling, tenderness - you must take your rabbit to the vet. It shouldn't cost too much - you can phone first to find out - and the vet will give your pet a good check to make sure it is ok.

  5. Eat it for dinner.

  6. why put such stupid answers?

    if she was in pain she would stay away from you, in a corner and wouldn't let you touch her, so thats good...

    i think you should keep your eye on her, watching for any changes in behaviour. change her cage/litter box so theres no chance of infection and keep the bandage on for a day.

    what you have to remember that if she was in the woods she'd prob catch her nails quite often on various things, and just get on with it lol!! so dont worry too much :)

  7. cook it and munch it all down

  8. I would first take the bandage off. She is only likely to chew it and if she is in a solid bottom cage it is also will provide a good breeding ground for bacteria in the wound.

    As long as the toe appears to not be broken, I would not worry. Even if the toe was broken, there is not a lot you can do. Rabbit toenails are very easy to rip out and that sounds like what happened.

  9. Your rabbit will need a vet nail injurys are very painful she has probably split the nail at the root there are nerves running through the nail its self so its very painful

    Rabbits are not very good at showing pain,

    Wait until monday then take her to a vet

  10. To be honest your mum should not have let you have a rabbit in the 1st instance if she could not afford to take it to the vets.You should take your rabbit to your local rspca and they will have a look for free.It makes me very upset and angry that people have animals that they cannot afford vets bills for.I have a jack russell and 7 rabbitts and if I could not afford to take them to the vets I would not have got them.I am not having a go at you coz thats all you need at the moment its your mum that is in the wrong please in the future if you have any more pets please think b4 you get one.

  11. Pie for dinner

  12. You have done the right thing and I don't think there's much damage just keep an eye on the paw and keep doing what you have done .
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