
My rabbit is sick help?

by Guest67122  |  earlier

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my rabbit is very skinny he is only young and he doesnt seem to be as active is there anything i can give him at home??




  1. sell him and buy another

  2. you do have to take him to the vet to get him help and so he fells better!!! i now a lot about animals so he could be very sick and it is very importing  to get him to the vet right away!!! but i hope he get better i would hat to have him died on you!!! it not fun having and animal to die that way!!!! is he old then yeah but sick no!!!

  3. Is he eating normally, are you feeding him any people food for treats? sometimes table treats can make them a little lethargic because their bodies don't know how to handle it.  If he is eating hay and pellets and still not gaining weight, he may have an underlying condition and should have a blood test so whatever is bothering him can be treated.

  4. First of all... You definately need to take him to the vet if you feel that he's sick.  A vet would have more correct answers than anyone on here.

    You could also try small handfulls of Alfalfa hay, instead of the regular Timothy hay.  It's a bit more fatty, but don't use Alfalfa on a regular basis.

    Here's a link from the house rabbit society webpage.

  5. You need to take him to the vet. The vet will help! Just make sure the vet takes care of rabbits and is "rabbit savvy."

  6. I have a rabbit and mine has been to the vet before! The safest thing to do would be to take him to the vet as soon as possible to be safe....but all pet rabbits should have an equal balance of hay and regular food. The only vegetable that is safe for pet rabbits to eat are carrots, so that might have something to do with it if you are feeding it other things. That is what my vet told me! Hope all of this works!

  7. you need to take him to the vet

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