
My rabbit isnt using his back legs?!?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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i let my rabbit out side today to eat grass and he was fine when i put him out there but now he wont use his back legs very much!!! when he lays down his legs go off to the side and if i pick him up and set him down he licks his legs i think and i dont know why he is doing this!!! please help!!!




  1. You need to get your rabbit to the vet as soon as possible.  It could have some sort of spinal or neurological problem, or a protozoal infection called E. cunniculi.  Regardless, your animal is debilitated, and needs to be seen by a vet.  

  2. Sometimes e cuniculi can cause this, bring him to a vet and have him tested, it can be treated.  If not don't worry, unless there is some underlying illness he can live a happy life with some assistance from you.  This happens to many bunnies and they don't always have to be euthanized.  Talk to your vet.  There is also a group on yahoo for disabled rabbits, you could get some great advice there.


  3. =( I'm really really really sorry, to have to tell you this!

    But my rabbit did the same thing, and it only got worse, I felt that she was suffering, and I was told there was nothing I could do for her, and my dad had to euthenize her =(

    He may be going lame in his hind legs, in which case he's parralized from the waist down, and will live a life, that's not too happy for him =(

    Rabbits are supposed to hop and run, and he'll be incapable of doing that now..And it's up to you what you want to do with him.

    I'm sorry hun, but I think you know whats best for him, and for you, you wouldn't want him to be miserable, would you?

    If your like me, it'll be hard but you'll do the right thing, I begged and begged my dad to let herl ive, but he, and everyone else was right, only I made the mistake of making her sufer for a month, she then started to try suicide, by chewing her leg off =(

    After that started, I decided my poor baby was ready to go.

    That was one of the hardest days of my life.

    However, if this isn't the same thing my bunny had, then theres a chance he may be saved, but it sounds just like what she had =(

    Just in case, contact your vet, immediatly!

    I'm so sorry for you, and for him!

    You guys are in my prayers!

  4. Were you outside with him supervising?

    If not, could he have been bitten by something or something may have attacked him. He sounds like he may be in pain.

    Take him to a vet

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