
My rabbit just died, why?

by  |  earlier

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i had a young rabbit, she was about 3 months old. she had diarrhea so i took her to the vet. he gave me medicine and told me that shell be just fine, because other than diarrhea she is healthy. so i went home and gave the medicine exactly like the vet told me to. and went to bed. at about 12 o'clock i got up because i heard a peeping sound coming from her cage. when i got then she was laying on her side breathing heavily. i called my dad and he said it over rosa. so i took her in my hands and that where she died. it confuses me soo much, does anyone have an idea why the queen of my heart could of died??




  1. I'm sorry hun,

    Sometimes things happen for reasons we don't understand.

    I'm not sure why your little bunny may have died, but God works

    in Mysterious ways and he is watching over your bunny now.

    I'll say a prayer for her.

  2. No matter how well you treated her, and no matter how good your vet is, sometimes our pets get sick and die.  She could have had something that was not obvious to a vet; she could have had something wrong with her from birth that just now presented itself.  I don't think it's anybody's fault, it's just that sometimes living creatures die.

    My sympathies in your loss.

  3. Im so sorry. You may want to contact the vet who gave the medicine to you. Either the vet was inept and gave you the wrong medicine or you did something wrong in administering it. What medicine did they give you? Young rabbits are pretty sensitive. If your vet said she would be fine and she wasnt your vet needs to have his lisence revoked. Rabbits (even young ones) almost never die of diarrhea alone. My rabbits have had diarrhea before and it was never a huge issue.

  4. maybe you didnt treat it good

    and it wanted to punish you  

  5. my friends rabbit ate a wild mushroom and they died .

    they also got really sick before they died.

    mabye the vet didnt know that it had eaten a mushroom and it just thought it had diorrhea

  6. Our vet told us that bunnys are very fragile,,,,when they get sick they go 'downhill' quickly.I'm sorry for your sounds like you good care of her. I'm sure she felt loved.

  7. It could be the antibiotic the vet gave you, many antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Penicillin, Clavamox) are deadly to bunnies and if you took your rabbit to an unsavvy rabbit vet they might have prescribed this medicine.

    The only safe medicine is Baytril, Bactrim, Dual-cillin (procaine G with Benzathine), Chloramphenicol, Tetracycline, Sulfa-drugs based like Septra or TMS, Cipro, Diprofloxacin, Sulfamethazine, and Amalcacin. Topical: Tetracycline.


  8. Noooooooo why is the world so cruel to rabbits  

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