
My rabbit looks sick and i think that he threw up but not sure, can someone help?

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He is a dwarf bunny, but a baby. I bought him from a pet store about 2weeks ago. They gave me no information on the bunny...




  1. Take it to a vet ASAP, Its better to be safe than sorry.

  2. It is probably diarrhea because rabbits cannot throw up.  He needs to be seen by a vet so he doesn't get dehydrated.  Make sure you go to an exotics vet and not a regular dog/cat vet.

  3. You should take her to a vet

    Rabbits lack the ability to throw up. And pet store animals are usually sold sick. I also doubt he is a dwarf. They often sell unweaned baby bunnies as dwarfs.

  4. This is kinda gross but it might be diarrhea. From what I've read, I don't think rabbits can throw up (same with horses); bunnies have weird digestive systems.

    He might just be having a bit of a digestive problem, this isn't unusual with young bunnies. This could happen if he's not getting enough hay (timothy is good) or if the food he's getting is different from what he was eating at the pet store. (Baby bunnies need alfalfa-based pellets until around 6 months or so; that's when dwarfs mature I believe). If you can, see if you can call the pet store and ask what they were feeding him. If you *are* feeding him the same type of food and he has hay, you could take him to the vet just in case. You can find a bunny vet in your area by using this website: It lets you find a bunny vet depending on what state you live in.

  5. First rabbits cannot throw up. Secondly he came from a pet store. many rabbits in pet stores have come from mill type settings. They have health and behavior issues because of the environment they lived in. They often sell rabbits that are too young and have been removed from their mothers too early.

    It could also be what he is being fed. Are you feeding pet store rabbit food? f so switch to feed from a feed mill, it is fresher and better quality. Also are you feeding him fresh foods, like fruits and veggies? If so stop  immediately. he is too young for foods like that. He can die from mucoid enteritis.

    If he seems sick he most likely is. You may need to return him to the pet store or if you want to spend lots of money take him to a rabbit savvy vet.

    **EDIT**- Kristy B- I tried to go to the site for the vets- it does not exist!

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