
My rabbit snagged her toenail on the carpet and now she wont let us touch her!! Please Help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Our rabbit was out for her exercise and she must have snagged her toenail on the carpet, it bled a little and we cleaned her up, but now when we got to pet her she is very aggressive and scratched me up pretty bad and bit my husband twice. What can I do to help her if she is in pain. I don't know if it's serious enough to take her to the vet. She is our first rabbit so I am unsure. Please help! Thank you and God Bless




  1. take it to the vet

  2. vet

  3. You need to get hold of her, be careful she can't bite or kick you, and examine the toe.  Throw a towel over her and wrap her up while you examine her, to hold her still so she can't hurt you.  Then you can see what is wrong.  Maybe it needs to be trimmed.  Then you can decide whether the injury is bad enough to warrant a vet.  It seems odd to me that she would not let you even pet her, when you are not getting near the foot.  But you need to look at it and then decide what to do.

    You can of course pour hydrogen peroxide on the wound, to clean it.  But I think the rabbit will clean her own wound pretty well too.

  4. a animals natural instinct is to not show pain a reflection of their origin or be in a defensive mode, with that said I HIGHLY recommend the rabbit see a vet just because an injury is not apparent it does not mean it is not there

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