
My rabbit started crying...?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, today I was having a lie-in and my brother was taking care of my rabbit for me in the garden. Once his favorite cartoon came on, he brought my rabbit upstairs to my room and put him on my bed.

I was still kinda asleep or drifting in-between, and acknowledged the presence of the rabbit on my bed jumping around and l*****g my face, but dismissed it thinking it was a dream. After a while, I woke up and found my rabbit making a noise like this:

I was shocked as I didn't think rabbits made much noise, and when I googled it, it came up with that video >_<

I'm rather worried he's ill, but my brother said he was his normal self playing in the garden and he had eaten properly. He seems fine now, actually.

My mother says he probably thought I was dead/hurt by the lack of attention I was giving him/had the hiccups?!

Anyways, I just want an opinion on what I should do! Should I take him to the vet, just to check?




  1. It might be a upper respiratory infection, but yea I think he needs to see a vet. good luck!

    Is he still doing it?

  2. take him 2 vet.

  3. Take him to the vet, because that sound means something is VERY wrong.

    It sounds like a respiratory problem, and rabbits can die very quickly from what seems to be just a mild illness.

  4. i would just take your bunny to the vet because that is the safetest thing to do. i have a bunny and he has never made a sound like that before

  5. I&#039;ve had pet bunnies since I was 6 years old and I have never heard that noise. It worries me.

    Do you have a vet? You could call and ask. Or better yet, take him in.

    Sorry that I can&#039;t be more help. Hopefully someone posting after me can be. I hope your bunny is fine.

  6. take him to the vet, but i wonder what&#039;s wrong though.

  7. You may want to watch your rabbit for similar behavior because the person who created that you tube video mentioned that when she took the rabbit to the vet they found a respiratory infection.  Make sure that if that happens again to take your rabbit to the vet.

  8. no batteries

  9. mine has a gewy eye, it can be because of an allergy to its bedding or a bad tooth because the tears drain down a pipe into the rabbits mouth which if the tooth is bad can case it to swell and close the pipe leaving a blockage and build up a gewy eye.

    mines is realy thick and white and causes its eye to close but the other eye is fine.

  10. hahahaha well cool sound

  11. One of the main selling points of a rabbit is how quiet they are!  They are prey animals so making any kind of noise would risk drawing attention and predators to them.  One of my bunnies made a noise very similar to this but louder just before she died so I would at least speak to your vet as they will be able to give you a better idea of what&#039;s going on, make sure you have a rabbit savvy vet as some don&#039;t know a bunny&#039;s **** from its elbow!

  12. I have seen rabbits and kept rabbits which have developed pasturellosis which is a respiratory/bacterial infection which must be treated by a vet.

    The first signs are the noise that your rabbit is making.

    By the look of the rabbit as it is making these noises it is forcibly breathing through its nose.

    A rabbit with this diagnosis can be cured with antibiotics but with some rabbits it will reoccur and be on long term treatment

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