
My rabbit won't let us trim his nails.?

by  |  earlier

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Help! No matter what we do, my rabbit freaks out when he sees the nail trimmer and starts flailing and we've tried using a towel and holding him down gently but firmly and even putting something over his eyes so he doesn't see it coming. And even if we do get him still for a moment, once we put the clippers to his nail he freaks out and we don't have a chance to get a safe cut. I think it's because one time we cut the nail too short and it bled and i think he's traumatized from that and doesn't want his nails cut at all, and freaks out when he even sees the clipper. And it's not like we have the time and money to always bring him somewhere to get his nails trimmed. Is there any way to do it... other than putting him out :P




  1. well yeah he is never going to be okay with getting his nails trimmed cuz there is a very soft tissue in the nail and when you touch it, the animal is in a lot of pain so when you cut it and it bleeds thats it. he IS traumatized

  2. You need to trance your bunny.  That's the only way we could ever clip our bunnies' nails.   You need to hold them firmly but gently and then sort of tip them onto their backs until their heads are just slightly lower than their rear.   It doesn't hurt your bunny at all and it helps keep them calm during things like clipping their nails.

  3. there is this nail clipper, well file, safe to use for dogs and cats so i don't see why you couldn't use it on a Rabbit, it's called the 'Peticure"

  4. Well when I cut my bunnies nails I have it on a pillow between my legs and let my mum clip the nails while I stroke it. Also lay him on his back. ;)

  5. Rabbit don't like there paws touched... they feel threatened.. one way to do it is to sort of rub the back of his ears and sort of over his eyes over and over again until u see he sort of falling asleep but no so much, while someones doing that have another person gentle grabe his paw and clip or if u can clip his nails without touching his paws... but memeber to watch out for the sensitive part...

  6. if you take your rabbit to the vet, they can do it for you. that is what i do. my rabbit never stays still enough and im afraid that ill mess up so i always take her to the vet.

  7. there's really nothing you can do except go to the vet and tell them the problem I'm sure that they won't charge you anything for that.

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