
My rabbit wont eat its new food read details?

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i have bought my rabbit the same food for years but then my dad took me to another shop so i had to get it some different food im not allowed to but him anymore food intill he uses it all and im really worried because he wont eat it and we dont haveb any vegetables he can eat in the house wht should i do does anyone know if i can give him muesli? please help




  1. I use to have two bunnies what I feed them is full green fresh healthy grass and chopped up bits of carrots. Hmm, you could try giving them rabbit pellets if you want. Certain bunnies don't eat the food they should eat.

  2. Rabbits are really sensitive about changes in their diet.. when ever you change their food, to prevent diarrhea you have to gradually mix in the new food with the old untill they are used to it.. sudden changes can make them sick and loose they appetite all together.  

    You should some how get the money to buy your rabbit the food he/she always eats.. Your Dad might be mad though..

    Good luck. I hope your bunny gets better..

    - Ambii.x

  3. hi there u need to be careful that the rabbit dont get diearhea with the cahange of food u need to feed it some of the both foods i will take about aweek for u to change it over!! good luck if u need help contact me at

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