
My rabbits just gave birth to only one rabbit which was dead, is this normal?

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Hi i found my rabbit to have given birth to one kit, which was dead, at about 4am this morning. I do not know what time she had had the kit as i didnt want to distub her at that moment by removing it from the cage. It is now 7.30am and there are still no more kits, does this mean she wont be having any more? I thought they had rather large litters? She seems fairly content and not in any pain. I would be greatful of any advice thank you




  1. remove the dead kitten from her for god sake and call the vet...!!!

    Heres some advice...Buy a book on how to take care of rabbit...and any other pet you may have

  2. rabbits can have as many as 1 to10 and its  normal my rabbit will have 5 and then the next time it will b 2 you see. if she looks like she is in pain then take her to the vets.

  3. yes it is very normal

  4. Take her to the vet...

  5. hello there...

    rabits generally breed and have birth of up to 4 kits at the very least.they usually never had a hutch lower than that.even small types of rabbits generally have 4 kits.

    small tpes:up to 4 kits

    medium sized:up to 6 rabbits

    large breed:generally up to 8 kits.

    if a rabbit give birth to only one kit and then that kit is dead,there is a complication with the two rabbits that you have bred.either it's the female or the male.i think one of your rabbits is sick as it's not a normal thing for a rabbit to have only 1 kit.i severely suggest you take one of your rabbit is really sick right now.go to the vet.

    and your female may have complications with that's not normal.

    i hope i helped!

  6. If its a first time mom or if it hasnt been breed in a year then its pretty normal. They get a lot of fat on their overies and will have dead litters. Only having only one is probley bacause of your breeding method rabbits need to be bred more than once in about 1 hour intervals. Eating the baby is also very normal its nature. the smell would attract predators in the wild. You could try breeding her again but if it doesnt work after that then she will probley never have babies.

  7. She proberly ate the rest .

  8. this is not normal give her plenty of time to recover and take her to the vets for a check over.

  9. No, it isn't. Please have her spayed. She could die next time.

  10. It is best to seek veterinary advice in this circumstance. Take the buck and the doe to the vet.

    Rabbits do not always have live young. one of the reasons being that the doe and buck are too young to breed or the doe is to old on her first mating.

    Other reasons are there is a possible problem between the buck and the doe health wise.

    The buck has been kept with the doe after mating and birth

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