
My rabbits tooth chipped

by  |  earlier

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I believe the tooth had a small cavity-like spot but all of a sudden, I saw her yawn today and her lower left tooth was chipped across. What should I do? I know her teeth will continue growing, but how can I file them down or make sure that the rest will not break?




  1. maybe you should go to a vet and see if they can do that. or maybe give her something to chew on so her teeth will go down

  2. Your best bet would be to go to a vet. They could be breaking due to an infection. If they are long, you can pay to have them filed, but the best way is to give her something to chew on. Rabbits love those little toys you hang from the top of the cage, and you can get them from petsmart for not that much. If she doesn't like that, try other rabbit 'chew toys'. Here is one she might like...

    Good luck!  


  3. You need to really check your rabbit's teeth carefully.  Broken or chipped teeth can result in a malocclusion.  If the teeth don't meet evenly, they won't wear down properly, and your rabbit could end up with a real problem, not being able to chew or eat.

    I've had to trim teeth myself (I've used a Dremel), but I would NOT recommend doing this yourself unless you have experience.  It's too easy to slip and injure your animal.  

    Call your rabbit vet and make an appointment for a tooth trim.  This will cost less than $20 and you can make sure the teeth are even and healthy.  After the trimming, start doing a monthly tooth check on your rabbit to make sure the teeth continue to grow properly and no permanent damage occured.

    Also, make sure your rabbit always has a safe chew toy to keep their teeth worn properly.  Untreated wood blocks or a piece of branch from an apple tree work great.  You don't want them chewing on anything plastic or on wire bars of a cage.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Your Allowed To Cut Rabbits Teeth Yourself, Not With Scissors! If You Have Strong Nail Clippers. It Will Not Hurt Them One Bit, She Shouldn't Even Flinch, Just Don't Cut It To Small Near The Nerve, Just Try to level it off, or near enough, and do it untill they will grow together again. x

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