
My racquet says its best suited for 3.5-4.5 level players?

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im a beginner...never ever played tennis before im 18 and weigh 110 pounds...should i get this racquet that says its best suited for 3.5 - 4.5 level players?




  1. can play with that racket but you need to practice hard..don't play to win play to enjoy...

  2. No you should not. Racquets are designed specifically for player styles and skill level. As a beginner you are a NTRP 1.5, though you could use a NTRP 4.5 rated racquet and hit ok but you'll never see the full benefits of the racquet until you reach that level.

    It's akin to driving Ferrari for your first car. Sure you can drive it but it'll never perform the way it will in the hands of a professional driver.

    At your skill level you won't be able to play with a $30 Target racquet any better than a $300 tour racquet so it's best to start off with the correct racquet and change as you improve. Additionally using an incorrect racquet usually slows down your development.

    Here are a few links to info on NTRP, racquet characteristics and how to choose a beginner racquet.

  3. Yes you could use the racquet. Keep practicing. It's an awesome sport. You can play the game 'til you're 90, just like my grandpa.

  4. If you're a beginner, the racquet isn't going to make that much of a difference in your developing game.

    You'll be learning the basics about tennis including how to stroke a ball and any racquet will do.

    As your game improves, you'll want to try out some different racquets to see what works better for you and the type of game you want to develop.

    There are different racquets to suit different games but as a beginner you won't be able to know what those differences are. Just learn how to play and enjoy the game. Worry about the racquet later.

  5. No, if you have never played before do not get this racket.  Your NRTP level is way lower than that.  Get a begginer racket.

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