
My rat's trip to the vet?

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i took my rat to the vet because she was sneezing and she had red discharge coming out of her eye.

i also heard her making weird noises when she inhaled last night, so i looked it up and it said that they made that noise when they were majorly stressed out. there was an earthquake yesterday which was probably the cause of that. i haven't heard her make that noise since the first time yesterday, so is that okay?

and so when i took her, he gave me an ointment to put in her eye 3 times a day and he said that the sneezing was okay and that as long as it wasn't coughing it should be fine.

is this correct?

she has been sneezing more often now; it used to be a few times a day and now it's a few times every 5 minutes.

what do you think?




  1. i no dis has nusin to do wit rodentz butt mii budgie has sneezing like 1353 times yester day in a row like *t**t*t*t*t*t*t*t*

  2. I myself have rats and have had them all my life. It sounds to me that you took your rat to a vet that really has no idea how to treat them.

    Your rat has an upper respitory infection and should be put on anitbiotics. That is why your rat has the red discharge in her eyes and nose and thats why she is sneezing. Rats do not make weird noises when they inhale because they are stressed, they do it because they are having a hard time breathing.

    Find a different vet and get her treated asap by a vet that treats small pets. Most rats die from upper respitory infections so it is important that you get it treated as soon as possible.

    There is no need for that bogus cream for her eyes, she is merley sick and that will do nothing for her.

    It is usually easier for younger rats to get over respitory infections without anitbiotics, but since she seems to be sneezing more and more I would definitly get her some.

    Good luck and please email me if you have any other questions reguarding her.

  3. probably an allergy in the making. i am assuming u have her in aspen and not pine bedding or anything like that. i sure hope she gets to feeling better.

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