
My rat bit me badly and then hid.. WHY??

by  |  earlier

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This morning my rat bit my finger badly, he then ran away into his house and wouldn't come back out.




  1. you  probably had some sente on your hand and he couldn't probably thought it was something to eat but he went and hid because he couldn't get what he wanted.


  2. Ok, did you do anything that made him upset or has he always been like this? Hiding in his house may mean he is scared and didn`t mean to hurt you.

    I really do not know why your rat may have done this but it looks like he is showing signs of agression. Be careful and try not to handal them too much when their in a bad mood. If it continues consult your vet or try and work around the problem causing this behaviour.

    Maybe this website will help:

    You may also like to research on agression in rats in a book or on the internet.

    I Hope this helps. Good luck!

  3. coz it was tired, scared , surprised, or didnt want to be held

  4. maybe because he knew that it was a bad thing to do so he probably thought he would just go hide

  5. Haha, asking the question like a kid ^_^.May be ask TOM how to catch that JERRY *_*

  6. my hamster did that exact thing to me..

    I have never trusted him since as he has not been the same.

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