
My rat bites me but not hard....why?

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ive had my rat now for 2 weeks she seems to be doing well ...taking food from me now and letting me pick her up ...but when i let her run around my room she runs around like crazy jumping on me sometimes and "playfully" biting my feet but not hard enough to hurt or draw blood..i also noticed she tries to get under the door to the bathroom and to the living room..just was wondering why




  1. Mostly likely she is playing and giving you "love" nibbles.  Also, rats LOVE to explore so its natural that she would be trying to get under the door to explore new territories.  :D

  2. Maybe she's teething or playing. Lots of animals bite at you playfully but not enough to hurt. I like it :D But yeah, it's normal.

  3. i think she is playing, maybe just tasting wants infront of her.if it doesnt seem aggressive, i would be rats have only licked me but if she is the only rat then its playful with you

  4. U have a playful rat. She's  simply testing her boundaries on where she can go and what kind of playful maneuvers she can get away with. It's typical rat behavior. Plus it's also a good sign that she's comfortable around you and likes you.

  5. idk cause rats NEVER bite

  6. Your rat sounds like she likes you, she's playing with you when she bites.  I know the bite your talking about, just a playful grab, my rats do it when they get excited and some of them will grab your hand and wrestle.  You may find she grows out of it as she gets older but i have a two year old male rat who still plays like this.  Some people freak out when their rats do this, if you counted these playful grabs as bites, well i've been bitten thousands of times, but i don't see them as bites at all.  I have had rats now for twelve years and have been bitten enough to break the skin only once by a female with new babies.  The reason why your rat tries to get under the doorways is because they are curious little explorers, they love to investigate every gap and hiding hole.  My rats have a fetish for my printer and think it's a great place to hide.  Keep up the play time with your rat, it's so much fun when they play with you, it's a good sign that she really likes you.  

  7. She is just playing, and shes curious about things, my rat used to nibble on my fingers and feet.

  8. She's just playing. Mine does that all the time. She'll even grab your finger to nibble on the end of it.

  9. I've had 14 rats altogether they never ever bite me .... unless i have socks or tights on my feet all rats hate socks & tights .

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