
My rat doesn't use her wheel is this normal?

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We have a rat named Willow and she is blind(can only see shadows) and she doesn't use her wheel. Is she getting enough exercise?




  1. i have a hamster who doesnt use her wheel you could get a pen that they sell for rodents to run in i have one and cookie loves it or you could use a small room with little to no furniture in it and let them run  those suggestions should be okay even though she is blind hope this helped! :)

  2. I have 2 rats and neither of them will use a wheel. To compensate I take them in a room where they can't be hurt or hurt anything and I let them run around on the floor for a while. I make sure that they can't get under the door. By letting them play on the floor they get exercise and they get to play with you so it's a win win situation.

  3. Calm down. Your rat doesn't need to use her wheel. Neither of my rats use their wheel and they are perfectly fit.

  4. iv got a mouse n he used his wheel when he was a baby but as soon as he got older he just sat on his wheel and eats. we have another baby mouse n so now he uses the wheel. i think as the mouse/rat gets older they get lazier. porbly just like humans.

  5. Yes this is normal, as you may know, rats are very intelligent, and know better to use a wheel! I would let her out in a safe rat-proofed room ( a room which has NO DANGEROUS things for it to chew)

    Hope this helps!

  6. well... all rats are somewhat blind and can only see shadows... so thats not why she isn't using the wheel.

    look through the eyes of a rat here-->

    A lot of the time rats who are not introduced to a wheel at a young age, will not use a wheel.  Some rats just love wheels more then others.  2 of my 5 girls absolutely love their wheels why the others will use the wheels occasionally.  

    I would also recommend that you get Willow a friend, as rats are extremely social creatures and live a lot better lives with a same gender cage mate.

    Case Against Single Rats



  7. When rats use their wheel it means they don't like it anymore.

  8. my hamsters didnt..... so probably normal

  9. It all depends on whether she was introduced to a wheel at a young age. If you or her previous owner didn't have one in the cage she was born  in, she probably might not take an interest in it.

    I think her sight might have something to do with it, too. If you couldn't see anything more than a shadow you'd be a little worried about large moving objects, wouldn't you?

  10. Rats should NOT use wheels

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