
My rat had bays today and she is rejecting them so what she i feed them so they wont die!!! pleze help thanx?

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My rat had bays today and she is rejecting them so what she i feed them so they wont die!!! pleze help thanx?




  1. you could take them to a pet store that breeds rats sometimes if rats just had a litter of babies they will take on the new ones as her own...

  2. What makes you think the mother has rejected the babies?  What is she doing, specifically?  And is she doing it toward one baby, or toward all of them?

    Usually, rats don't reject a litter of babies unless something is wrong with either the babies or the mother (i.e., she is sick/malnourished or they are deformed in some way).  Unfortunately, this means that the rejected babies often die despite the best of care.  If she is just rejecting one or two babies, then the rejected babies' chances of survival are almost zero.  However, if she rejected the entire litter, your chances are a lot higher, because this indicates that there is something wrong with the mom, not the babies.

    I have successfully raised several litters of baby rats.  That site the first poster gave has some very good information.  Another thing that can work is to place a drop of formula on your hand and let the baby suck it off.  Some babies seem to prefer this over the rag method.  Just make sure you don't let them get any formula up their noses.

    If you can't find human soy formula, KMR (kitten milk replacer) or Esbilac (puppy milk replacer) can be used.

    If you have any additional questions, or if you encounter any problems, please send me a message through Y! answers and I will respond ASAP.

  3. awww!

    read this site!!! it seemed to have good info.

    hope i helpe

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