
My rat has a big hard lump on its neck

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its only about 9 weeks old and its been a skinny little weak thing since i got it so i always knew it wouldnt last long. it sleeps most of the time and last night i tried to get it out to play with my other 3 rats when i noticed the big lump which im guessing is a tumour.

im going to take it to the vet first thing on monday but ive never been to the vet before so i was wondering if anyone knows how much it will cost? also, do i have to register with a vet before they can see my rat?

oh and do you think it would maybe be better to ust get her put down instead of trying to remove the lump since i doubt shell last anyway?

oh one more thing there is a tiny little scabby bit on the lump..... could it be that shes just been bitten by another rat and its gotten infected?




  1. I'm not sure about all that cost jazz, and I know I won't get Best Answer, but I just thought I would tell you anyway:

    If it got in a fight with another rat, and its just big lump, it could be a Cyst (which just needs to be drained).

  2. This does sound like it could be an infection, and that could explain the tiredness, etc.  An inffection could probably be treated easily with antibiotics, so I definately think a quit vet visit is worthwhile.  It will probably cost $35-50, you'll have to make an appointment but I don't think you'll have to register.

    A tumor would probably have taken longer to develope to that size, so infection sounds even more likely.  With a rat that young, you might not want to wait til Monday to see the vet if you can get in today, which is what I would try to do.  My vet has Saturday hours and would fit me in, so call around.

    At that age, with a large infection and already not the healthiest, this rat will probably die if it doesn't see a vet.  Please do take it in, part of animal companionship is taking care of their medical needs.  Please do the right thing.


  4. Take it to the vets, they will know what to do.

  5. Sounds like hes got a apses or a cyst. Take it to the vets A.S.P.

  6. Take it to your local P.D.S.A. This is a free vetinary service, you just need to leave donation.

  7. take it to the vet as soon as you can before Monday you never know it could be serious  

  8. If it's hard and doesn't move when you push on it, it's an abscess.  You can put a warm compress on it to help it burst, and once it does burst, you need to clean it out with salt water daily.  It won't kill her. :)

    A vet can give her antibiotics, which can sometimes reduce it's size depending on the type they prescribe.  It also will help once it bursts.  Or, they can drain it at the vet office (Or at least, most of it.) which will help it heal, too.  

    I don't know what vet visits cost in you area, but for my vet the office fee is about $30, medications are usually around $5-10, and other random tests (Like skin scrapings, or aspirations in this case) usually aren't more then 15, but my vet tends to include them in with the cost of the office visit if it doesn't take longer then an hour to do.

    Tumors on rats that young are pretty rare, and aren't hard.  Most likely she did get bit or scratched, and got the abscess as a result.

    ETA:  All you need to say is "I think my rat has an abscess, and I would like a vet to check him out and make sure he's going to be okay." :)  Really, you wouldn't even need to say that, you could just call and say you need an appointment and then if they ask say you think your rat has an abscess.  (Or even just say your rat has a lump on his neck.)

  9. soon as monday morning comes around ring round the vets surgery's, try and get her in the same day if possible...the vet will be the one to say what it is and what to do about it.they will or at least if they are a good vet will give you the best advice on what to do next...poor little thing, hope it is just a bite

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