
My rat has died i nead help

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hi, im realy sad because my rat died i think its from old age i had her for 2 and a half years .it was at night and she wasnt moving much so i put he in her house then looked after her she had past away by mornig





  1. rats dont live long , but its not really good to keep them out side because sometimes different chemicals are released in tot the air  

  2. aw first of all im sorry for your loss

    second of all it could be her age, respiratory problems. If you really want to know but this will be costly is to take her to the vet, but as Ratties only live for about 3 years as a max generally it will probably be a waste of money.

  3. Rats only live 2 to 5 years. Without knowing how you treated it, it could be age, or it could be something you did.

    What's done is done, there's no need to worry.

  4. Hi, I think you're right - old age. It's unlikely that you could have done anything to help, you did the right thing to place her in her house where it would have been comfortable and familiar for her. If she had been ill you would have noticed the signs, rats don't have a long life span which I think is their only negative, they are wonderful pets and it sounds as if you were a very loving owner. Try to focus on all the good times you had together.

  5. she most likely died from old age. and by the sound of it she pasted away peacefully in her sleep. u did all u could to help her in her last moments. and u seemed to really love her. as long as u gave her a good home and made her happy u should be happy of what u did while she was alive. i know i felt good of the change i gave my rescues hamster. and i recently nursed my rescued rat back to health after she was struck by an unknown illness. and i am very happy for what i did. so now i know that she will live longer and will die peacefully and happy because of me.

  6. rats dont have a long life

    and maybe she he was an old guy :(

    dont be sad u'll get another pet :)

  7. My rat Joplin had to be euthanised 2 weeks ago totally out of the blue. I had made an appointment with the Vet for another one of my rats because i found a wee lump and when i went home to pick her (sid, the one with the lump)  up, joplin was shaking like mad and was tipping over to one side and walking round in circles.

    So i took both rats to the vet and only came back out with one. We think joplin had some sort of brain tumor or stroke.

    Its really sad when any pet dies, especially out of the blue but as i tried to explain to my sons on average rats only live to between 2-3 years so it sounds like perhaps your rat did just die of old age.....

    Sorry honey.

  8. you just said she died from old age but 2 years are not old

    hamsters live 10-12 years

    i guess its just the time

    when my hamster died(not) i picked her up and  i dug a a hole in the ground and when i was about to put her in a strong wind blew and my hamster ran away

    i guess my hamster was just sleeping

  9. Rats only live around 3 years so I'm sure it was just old age.  Don't feel bad.  That is the hard part about having small animals.  They don't live as long as we would like.  When you are feeling better you should get another one.

  10. get a hamster

  11. Unfortunately rats simply don't live very long. 2 1/2 years is pretty typical. I definitely know how horrible it is to lose a pet and rats specifically. You're lucky that she passed away peacefully. I've seen rats struggle for days and it's horrible for them and their owners. Give her a little burial in your backyard if you have one and leave flowers on her grave or at her cage if you can't bury her. When you bring the flowers take a moment to think about your memories with her and all of the great things about her and if you have someone to join you share them out loud. You'll feel better with time. When you're ready you can consider getting another rat or if you want a longer lived rodent I'd highly recommend a chinchilla. For now take some time to be sad. I hope you feel better soon.

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