
My rat hasnt been eating much and i saw today she has a huge bump just before her tail. can someone help me?

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I'm concerned because my mom says she might have cancer but I just want to make sure thats the case and that she isn't pregnant or something which I highly doubt because she is our only rat. We also have alot of spiders around our house could she have been bitten? Can someone help me find the answer?




  1. If you just got her, it may be a male and the petstore was wrong. But since she developed it, it may be a tumor and you need to get it to the vet ASAP!!! It may be a spider bite but only if she's scratching at it and it's really irritating her. Tumors will also be bigger than spider bites. Take her to the vet, good luck!

  2. Take him or her to the vet. Depends on the kind of bump. Might be a tumour.

  3. it is most likely a tumor. my rat died of one because we didnt know what it was. i thought it would go away, but it didnt and she died.

    you should really go to a vet

  4. Possibly an abscess. Is it warm when you touch it and does it hurt the rat when you touch it? If so it is probably an abscess, abscesses are caused when bacteria gains access to solid tissue, probably though a small wound, e.g. a bite.

  5. The bump could be a lot of things. It's on her tummy? Both the bump and not eating are very worrisome signs, I'd take her in to a small animal vet ASAP.

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