I applied some Blu-Kote on my rat Fletcher's foot to help a bumble he's got. It was the first time I put it on, so I was startled by how quickly it came out and I put the bottle down to wipe my hand (as well as the rat) off. When I set him down, he leaned over and licked some stuff off of the bottle!
I didn't think he'd do that - and it only took him two seconds if even to l**k it - or otherwise I would have set it father away from him. :( I'm kicking myself pretty hard.
He got two licks of it and that's all before I took him and put him in the tub so I would wash his mouth out. His tongue was really blue at first. It's been about.. I'd say, twenty minutes to half an hour, and he hasn't shown any ill-effects. There's not much color on his tongue anymore. However, I'm still worried sick for my little guy. I know there's not much I can do without a vet, but I can't get him to one tonight. :(
Any suggestions, help or ideas? :( Thanks!