
My rat is biting for no aparent reason! why!? and what should i do??

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  1.'s a rat!!! I don't think they are to be kept as pets. it could be that't it is stressed out if it has never done this before.

  2. go with joni's answer...but also remember that there may be a physical issue going on as well. you don't mention how old the rat is, but if it is feeling under the weather or in pain at all, it may feel more cranky and bite. any time you see an abnormal behavior in your pet, it should probably go in for a check up. while i'm certainly not saying your rat has these, rats are prone to things like pneumonia & cancers, and the sooner things are caught, the sooner they can be treated. so get him in just for a lookover & see what the vet thinks.

  3. It is because it is a rat.

    A rat actually bites a person during it's adult age.

    But be careful it may have a rabies.

    You have to treat it right and domesticate it.

  4. and after cook eat it out

  5. There are a few reasons why a rat will bite. If a rat isn't used to being handled, it can become antisocial, so handling it a bit more often may solve the problem. Also, pregnant females will be very protective if this is a possibility. Just wait for babies and she should be better after that if that is the case. However many rats (albino rats especially) have poor or no eyesight. You can tell this if your rat weaves it's head from side to side. If this is the case, then you need to work with hearing and you can always try something like putting mash or yoghurt on the end of a spoon and putting it next to it's nose. She may bite, but it won't be nice for her, so she'll just gently l**k. Sometimes, and I must say very, very occasionally, a rat will just bite because it is just not a nice rat, and in that case, all you need to do is befriend it and slowly become it's friend by playing with it as often as possible, giving it treats, and if you haven't done already, get it a companion (this solved one of my rats biting problems in 3 days!)  

  6. if its nibbling on your fingers its a sign of love but if your fancy rat bites and it draws blood its best to get him put down

  7. There is no where near enough information here. Is he/she biting inside or outside the cage? Is he/she alone (they shouldn't be, rats should be kept in same s*x pairs or groups)? Is he/she new?

    A good method would be to squeak when he/she bites. This tells him or her in their own language that it's hurting you.

  8. cook it

  9. If your rat bites its meaning its giving love to you. But if bloods out it's better not to have him for a pet.

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