
My rat is bleeding from the eyes nose wobbles when she walks and hasnt been eating.wots the matter wid her ?

by  |  earlier

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i wiped the rats eyes and they started bleeding again.

also is falling over alot.




  1. Go see a vet. NOW!

  2. It's not blood, it is porphyrin, a natural reddish liquid rats produce to rub behind their ears so in the wild other rats could sense them in the dark. Excessive amounts of porphyrin could be a sign of a problem, and not eating and falling over is definitely cause for major concern. But think positive, take her to the vet (preferably speciallized in rodents/pocket pets) and do everything you can for her. How old is she? A rat a few months old is in its prime and most likely to pull through. Treat her like a queen, even after she pulls through this!

  3. the red is not blood. it is called prophyrin and is usually caused by stress. the wobbling is likely being cause by the loss of her hind legs. put towels in her cage for better traction. and make sure she cant get to other levels. keep her on the bottom level. and if she isn't eating try and feed her soft foods. like fruits and some veggies. also try all natural yogurt. it contains good bacteria that helps strengthen the immune system. my rat had similar problems. and with love and care got tons better. so if you just give your rat love and care she will get better. but a vet check would be good. so take her to the vet if possible.

    good luck!!

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