
My rat is over active help?

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I have two rats, one is nice and calm and the other is always over active, I take her out and put her in her ball to tire her out, but ti doesn't work.

She never seems to want to rest, she always steals food from my other rat and never lets her do anything, is there anythign I can do?

I've tryed everything even taking her out and playing with her for nearly an hour everyday and putting in her ball to run around in every day also, but nothing works no matter what I do all she wants to do is run around and boss my other rat around.




  1. she might feel territorial.  put her in a separate cage from your other rat and see if she calms down a bit.  hopefully she will realize then that she doesn't have to fight to keep her space.

  2. I would advise not to use a ball, instead let them run free on the sofa or your bed and calmly stroke her back because this relaxes them. do this everyday.

  3. if you dont have a wheel in their cage, I would try putting one in there.Maybe that will help her burn off more energy

  4. You could try taking her how for more time a day, I take my Remy out for close to two hours a day!

    Or if the other rat isn't as hyperactive as she is look into getting a third rat, the more the merrier! lol

    Well it is just a thought, hope that helps!

    Add: that would be so sad to get rid of her because she is so active, is there maybe someone you know who could take the time to play with them more during the day? What kind of cage do you have? Is it basic? Do you have enough play things in there? Rats love tunnels and climbing toys, so that is another option.

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