
My rat is yellow?

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I just got a fully grown female hairless rat and she has a yellow/brown film on her back. Why is this? What can I do to get rid of it? I thought that only happened with male rats...




  1. yeah. i'd give it a bath and see if it helps. if it comes back soon then go to the vet and see if it's not something else more serious. i've never had exposure to hairless rats =)

    and no, a bath won't kill it. just make sure you use lukewarm water and a small amount of shampoo (small animal shampoo) and wash her well. i use the bathroom sink to bathe mine and just rinse them under the faucet. good luck with your girl =)

  2. It's dirty. Give it a bath.

  3. u could get rid of it by shaving its back :I

  4. give it a bath. =]

    --&&no and it wont kill it, if you only put a little bit of water in the sink or a dish or something. like an inch of water and use a washrag....!!! then dry it off before it gets cold. =]

  5. DONT GIVE IT A BATH. just needed 2 say that.. it is a horribley stupid thing to do. it could kill it.. :)
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