
My rat makes this funny sound!

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My rat every time i take her out of the cage she makes this clicking sound with her teeth. and kind of shakes I think she is nervous but she acts like she is fine and explores like there is nothing wrong.




  1. This is called bruxing! This is something rats do when they're happy or content, so don't worry about it one bit! It just means she's relaxed and content. You're doing something right. ;P

  2. Ditto the above... they make this noise when they are chilled out. Also rats teeth don't have any enamel which is why they look dirty and yellow. They grind their teeth to keep them the right length.  

  3. my rat does like a really weird noise we took him to the vets they said that went a rat is content or happy aboout 8/10 of rats make weird noises don't stress x.

  4. rats make weird noises ...dont stress

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