
My rat seems lonely, but I cant get another rat, what should I do?

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My hooded rat, Ellie is almost three years, and she seems a bit lonely.

The past half of year, I havn't been giving her much attention at all. She's just been sitting in her cage. But now, I've been giving her more treats, playing games with her and making her ratty toys. (Which she seems to be taking a liking to!)

But I'v been reading up, and I'v learned it's better two have at least two rats. But my mum wont allow it. I'm not sure what to do, so please help.




  1. I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your rat, Ellie is acting 'lonely' because she's OLD, and it's hard for her to move around a lot, and she doesn't have as good a memory as she used to have.  Love Ellie, play with her as often as you can, and don't be surprised when she dies.  Most rats live only two years, but some live to be three ... very few live more than a month beyond three.  Ellie is far too old to get a 'rat friend' now ... and most rats do MUCH BETTER if they live alone ... they bond to their people better and are more socialized.  But Ellie's BIGGEST problem is her AGE ... and there is nothing you can do about that except love her as much as you can until she dies.  THEN tell your mother you need a new pet RIGHT AWAY ... you'll miss Ellie and you'll grieve for her, and a new pet needs a good owner like you obviously are, or Ellie would already be dead.  I'm a mother ... and a grandmother, and I've raised rats professionally and sold them to pet stores to sell as pets (NONE of my rats was ever used as 'snake food' or in medical experiments, because I LOVE RATS too much to let that happen to them).  Give Ellie a kiss for me, and she'll give you a kiss from me, too.

  2. get a cat make him eat her :D jk jk um play with him get him toys

  3. The life span of a pet rat is 2 to 4 years.  My girl Oreo lived until 3 1/2 years.  I don't mean to be cruel, but she is not going to be around much longer.

    In addition, she may not even like another rat.  we tried to get Oreo a buddy when she was still young and she just about killed the baby rat.

  4. how cute i had a rat 2 but it died because she was 2 old it made me very sad for a long time and about ur question if ur mom wont let just play with her give her good food and let her run around ur house my rat loved that

  5. You are doing just fine.  You can be her friend.  She is a rather elderly rat.  You must have taken good care of her.  Keep it up.

    LOL I never heard of putting a mirror in a rat's cage.  It works with birds, but won't impress a rat.  It has no scent.

  6. Why won't your mom let you get another?  You could probably go to your local animal shelter and find some older rats that are looking for good homes.  Rats are highly sociable creates and really could use a buddy.  If you are able to convince your mom, make sure you research online the best ways to introduce a new rat.  Rats can be territorial and aggressive when trying to determine who's top rat if not introduced slowly.  If you are able to get a young rat (less than a year), your older rat may "adopt" it as it's own baby.

    If it's really not an option, you're just going to have to keep entertaining her with new toys or games.

    BTW, 3 is not super old.  Rats can live to 5 years old with good care.

  7. Spend more out of cage time with her. Hold her when you watch television etc. Rats really do best when they have a rat friend but if they do not have one, you need to spend a substantial amount of time with them. Toys are not a substitute for quality social attention. At her age, she is not going to want a lot of vigerous activity but being with you and snuggling will be good. It will be good for you too because 3 is on the old side for a rat. That does not mean she is about to die - a rat's lifespan is 3 to 5 years. But you want to enjoy her company as much as possible too.

  8. kay you should put a mirror in the cage because they can look in it and see "another rat" lol its very entertaining to watch them too hahahaha

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  9. Just give her lots of attention. Rats are very social and get lonely very easy.

  10. give her a lot of attention.

  11. Well it's good that you are playing with her more. You could also buy a new item to put in her cage, such as a toy or a house thing. If you don't want to do that, you could just move things around in her cage so that it would seem different. It would be more fun for her if you switched it up a bit. I do that with my hermit crab and it likes it a lot.


  12. feed him to a snake and put him out of his misery

  13. You could try putting a mirror in her cage, that would probably make her happier, and make her think that there was another rat in her cage...

  14. try to convince your mum to let you have another one, your rat would be way happier with another one.

    but if you are absolutly unable to get another one, just play with her lots and give her lots of attention, they love that (:

    also, try to keep her busy, buy her tunnels and toys, then hide little treats in her cage for her to find.

    hope i helped (:

  15. Continue to play with her as much as possible.  Rats are smart so maybe you get set up a maze or something that she would have to work to accomplish.  All animals need affection and play time.  Good Luck.

  16. you can play the pea game witch is you get a bowl with maybe an inch of water (cold) and you put frozen peas in it and she will play with the peas and eat them.

    you can also play the pinata game witch is you get an old clean sock and fill it with her favorite treats (fruit, pellets, bird seed) and you hang it up in her cage and shell use it as a pinata.

    you can also get a large bowl, pot, plate, or box and put clean BAGGED dirt on the bottom (two-three inches) and put seeds of pet grass under the soil. water it every day for about a week or two. and then she will play in the grass and chew on it. you can also put treats in the soil and shell dig it out. (but shell get very dirty) lol

    you can also get an empty tissue box and take newspaper, paper towel, tissues, toilet paper, ext. And spread them around her cage (I mean EVERYWHERE) and shell be busy arranging them into the tissue box..and make a comfy nest at the same time!

    or you can also get a new cage or newer and better toys.

    be sure to rearrange the toys and objects in the cage every few days so she does not get bored with her environment.

    I really hope I helped you.

    please take my advice.

    (you can email me if you want to)

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