
My rat stopped eating. Can any body help?

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I got my pet rat Marsha about a month ago. She was doing fine, eating well, and maintained a healthy weight. Now, she is really thin, and won't eat. I did a dehydration test on her, and she was really dehydrated. When I noticed this, i immediately switched her food and put vitamin drops in her water. I checked on her ten minutes after doing so, and she was drinking again. What is wrong with her and is there any thing else that I can do?




  1. get it a rat harness no joke with a leash.  Let her smell fresh air.  And I know that rats might like to be around other ones.  So get another if you can or get more toys but go to your vet first.

  2. you should take her to the vet and your rats stomach is probably very upset  

  3. Talk to it.

  4. i have had a lot of pets. one reason might be is that it could be depressed from being caged up. u should just let it go in your backyard or maybe a field. another reason might be that it is sick and u should talk to your local vet. one other reason is that it is getting the wrong kind of food or not enough exercise, also talk to your vet about this.  

  5. when my guinea pig stopped eating, it died later that night.  Take it to the vet, I could have saved it if I had done that.

  6. maybe it is anorexic :-p


    get it to a vet or buy more vitamins!



  7. I think she needed some fresh air, something new. I think you she get her a harness with a leash. It can really help because how would you like to live in your room and never be able to come out. You need to let her do stuff, shes bored. And for the water, it was something new so she thought that she would try it. She may stop eating and drinking again. Be sure to give her different things to eat too! I currently am trying to get a pet rat but my mom wont let me, I got tons of information from If you can you should get another pet rat to be her friend though.  

  8. have u tried to inform the Vermont, it is not Ramadan yet?

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