
My rat wont eat??

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My rat for some reason is not eating. I've had him and his brother since birth. There has never been any problems with either of them. But I've noticed recently he is losing wieght and wont eat much. He still grooms him self and sleeps side by side with his brother so other than that he isnt acting out of the ordinary compared to usual behavior. Although one thing I noticed is that he makes a weird noise. Kinda like a grunting noise. He started this about a month ago when he was in perfect health. He just started losing wieght about a week ago. I thought maybe his brother was taking all the food and he wasnt getting any so I just seperated him into his own cage. I also thought it may be his teeth are getting to long, making it painfull to eat so I gave him a salt stone. I dont really know what else to do. I was crying last night because I fear if this goes on for another week he may die. What else can I do? I already called the vet but they want $150 just for a check up. He's only 2.




  1. i would spend the $150. it sounds like overgrown teeth so I would give him something to chew on.

  2. Are there any other vets ANYWHERE near you? $150 for a check up sounds expensive. My vet charges $50 for an office visit, and some consider that expensive. There must be another vet somewhere.. comb through the phone book and ask for an estimate.

    If there's absolutely no other choice, you really need to take him to the vet.

    Also, if the separation hasn't helped, you should put them together again. Depression from being separated can worsen him.

    Just a BTW, 2 is actually old for a rat. Their lifespan is generally 2-3 years old.

  3. maybe he is sick spend the $150 for him porr little rat.

  4. give him some wood chews to chew on for the long tooth problem.check into some rat books if you dont find any useful information through yahoo.try giving him his favorite foods like fruits and veggis.dont give them any more ratblocks if that is what you are doing, they hate those.if it gets any worse you might have to force feed him.maybe he isnt getting enough attention,or maybe he was living wth another rat and that rat died.idk but rats are very smart and human like.he may be depressed from something

  5. Spend the $150 if you care about your rat. Why would you get a pet if you can't afford taking care of it? :( Poor rat. I understand it is pricey, everything my dog has something wrong I pay around the same or a lot more on pet visits. I have too, he's my pet, I love him and he's my responsibility. Good luck!

  6. I'm sorry I think your rat has a respiritory problem. Usually due to the type of bedding they are kept on. It's not your fault you probably didn't know, but if he is on wood shavings/ something similar this could be the problem.

  7. get a needle-less seriong  i probably spelt that wrong but... if you go to the pet store go in the kitten section and they have things that look like shots but the have no needle you can but special formula in it and hand feed it! good luck... pick me as the best answer please!
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