
My rats are allurgic to all bedding! What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have two rat boys one of them hate all badding ( care fresh, aspin, pellets) he is snizzing, pushes all the bedding to one side of the cage, I have taken him to vet they sad that he is not sick, he looks healthy and eat good ( what do I do?) I want him to be comfortable! Thanks for any advise




  1. you should've asked the vet what to do.

  2. My rats sneeze tons too. I really don`t know if it is his bedding or he is allergic to dust or something.

    Cat litter is a good bedding as it absorbs urine and helps chest problems. The beddings that you have tried all look good and cannot see why he would have problems with them. Maybe he just sneezes allot! :)

  3. Use cloth bedding. Old rags, old blankets etc. You can have a couple of sets and wash them weekly. I use partial paper kitty litter pellets and partial cloth for my rats. They all get the sneezies from commercial bedding as well.

  4. I find it unbelievable that your rat would be allergic to ALL types of bedding. If I were you, I'd find a different vet and get a second opinion, if he's sneezing constantly.

    Have you tried Yesterday's News? That's not dusty. You can also use fleece blankets or towels cut to fit the cage. That's what I use.

  5. my rats dont sneeze ever as opposed to a few of the commenters. i on the other hand am allergic to all of the bedding types.

    i use fabric. i cut it into strips (probably 3 inches wide or so). they like to gather it up to sleep on and shred it for fun. get a natural fabric (not poly- get unbleached cotton) at walmart or something. it will probably only need a couple dollars worth.

    it is also easy to change out. less messy than "pebble" style bedding. and it is more comfortable/warm/doesnt smell or have dusty problems.

    if you have any old towels that would work too probably.

  6. Try shredded computer paper. Not news paper, it should be inkless.

    Your rats might even have Myco, take them to a vet to find out.

  7. Rats sneeze a lot.  He's not allergic, I'm sure.  They will push the bedding around, chew it, store it, arrange it, all kinds of stuff, to get it where they want it.  I would shred some newspaper and line the cage bottom with solid pieces of it too.  Allow them PLENTY of shredded paper to nest with (and boxes).

  8. rats always push their bedding to the side. Rats sneeze alot. He isn't alergic to a thing.

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