
My rats wont chew anything to keep their teeth down, what should i do?

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i have 2 rats (both female) and i've given them woodblocks to chew on but they dont seem to want to is there anything else i can try that will wear their teeth down as im concerned they may start to grow too long if they dont chew too often, any ideas? thanks




  1. they will chew on them if it starts to hurt them or they will find something. dont worry

  2. I suggest that you should take the vet because some animal do not chew with their incisors to keep them down you must do it fast

  3. (dont worry about taking them to the vet unless its obvious they cant eat bc you most likely have nothing to worry about^_^)

    sometimes wood blocks are too boring for some rats and they'll chew on other things in their cage, if they have plastic toys in their cage they might decide to chew those instead.

    also, if you feed them rodent lab blocks those help wear down their teeth too, you can also give them treats that will help wear down their teeth

    here's a website with a section on things you can give them to chew on

    also, SAVE THOSE PAPER TOWEL ROLLS!!!! you can always give those to your rats and they will often chew those

  4. i had the same issue with my hamster and i was also looking through yahoo answers. someone suggested do it yourself or else you will have to pay 30 bucks every 2 weeks. I have been doing it myself for 2 months. You need a very very very very good grip on them.

  5. Very few rats have problems with their teeth unless there is an underlying problem causing malocclusion. If they need to chew, they will. Otherwise, they will wear their teeth down by bruxing (tooth grinding, they also do it when happy or stressed, much like a cat's purr), so don't be too concerned. I used to occasionally give my rats a Nylabone Edible in petite size and they loved chewing and eating those (occasionally because they are high in protein). A lot of rats find wood chews boring and won't do much with them.

  6. have you tried the long wooden bars that have food stuck all over them? it is hard beacuse of what they use to stick it together I use them all the time this is the link

  7. Some animals do not chew to keep their incisors down. I read that if this happens then you have to take them to the vet to get their incisors clipped. Do it soon or they could die from starvation because their teeth are to long to eat.

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