
My recently potty trained son has diarrhea?

by  |  earlier

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and after a month of being accident free he is having major accidents cuz of his diarrhea. i feel so sorry for him poor thing the diarhhea is pretty bad. so my question is should i put him in diapers until the bout of diarrhea passes or will that throw him off with his potty training after all this is over?

o and even when he is wearing a diaper he tells me when he has to pee or p**p still. so the diaper would be strictly for the bad accidents of diarrhea and we would still be sticking to our normal routine just taking precautions cuz sometimes he dont make it all the way to the potty




  1. Dont return to diapers because that will confuse him.  Try to be patient, he will get better fast and it will be all over.

  2. Depending on your child, the diaper might throw him off.  I wouldn't chance it unless I knew for sure that it wouldn't cause him to regress.  Just keep changing his underwear.  It will pass soon enough.

    Good luck!

  3. Sounds like you've made up your mind to put him in a diaper.

    I personally think that's too confusing...  I'd just take him to the potty quite often until this passes.  Don't wait for him to ask you to go.

    Poor Guy!  Good Luck!

  4. No, I wouldn't advise it even in the case of diarrhea. If he can still tell you when he has to go, hurry him to the bathroom before he has an accident. Try putting him in pull-ups just in case he doesn't make it, but not diapers. Hope this helps.

  5. Sometimes they can get diarrhea from constipation (sounds weird, but bear with me..)

    The diarrhea comes from behind the solid constipation (TMI!!!)

    Maybe check this out first.

    (This happened to our 2 year old a week after getting her potty trained. We put her in a nappy for the nasty stuff and she went right back on the toilet afterwards)

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