
My red eye tree frog(babies) are yawning and are continuously doing it whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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i just got them in the mail today and put them in there cage the temp is right and i sprayed water in there. and do they change color with there surroundings?




  1. yawning and scratching of the face may indicate shedding of the skin (which they eat), but if your frogs are sleepy, and listless, that may indicate a more serious problem. (Springs Disease)  

    "This is a lethal disease which occurs among certain temperate species during the breeding season. It is caused by Bacterium ranicida. Symptoms include a discoloration of the skin, lethargy and a continuous "yawning." At presant there seems to be no reliable treatment for this disease, though experimentation with antibiotics may be worth a try. Consult your veterinarian."  

  2. I hope this site helps but yawning is common when they are waking up.

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