
My regular xbox got the red ring of death do i get a new xbox 360 or a regular xbox?

by  |  earlier

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the green part turned red




  1. I think you mixing between the White xbox 360 and the black 360 which called the 360 Elite. Am I right?

  2. You obviously are looking at something wrong. The 360 gets the RROD only. No don't get a new Xbox/360, get a PS3.


  3. Presume you're talking 360s in which case the new Elites have the Falcon chipset which means the CPU is using a 65nm core instead of the older 90nm so won't overheat. However GPU is the same so the Falcon's still overheat. Wait a month or 2 and the Jasper will be out. That will sort the RROD for good but if u can't wait then new Falcon is the best bet.

    Failure rate of old 360: 30%

    Failure rate of new 360: 10%

    Or you could buy an 'x-clamp fix kit' off me for £4 + p&p and fix your Xbox (360) yourself. I sell them on Ebay and 1100+ people have fixed their xboxes with my kits. It's simply a replacement for the x-clamps with the right sized bolts, washers and a sachet of thermal paste to replace the awful MS thermal pads. You could buy the parts yourself but since I buy in bulk it works out cheaper + my repair guide is v good and you don't need to drill anything with my kit!

    Just look up XBOX_EXPERT on Community page of

  4. uh well correct me if im mistaken, the regular xbox does not get red ring of death... the red ring term comes from the power button on the 360 that displays a red ring...  

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