
My rehab counselor called me a b-word?

by Guest33569  |  earlier

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I received a Minor in Possession of Alcohol citation at my college. As a result, I had to attend an eight session group counseling session.

In front of everyone he said "Man you are a real *****" with a disgusted look on his face because I said I was not an alcoholic.

He also spells the word opportunity "oppurtunity" on his website and has errors with "there" and "their".

It is a monopoly because if anyone in the group refuses to go, they will get into trouble in school.

How come this is tolerate in the substace abuse industry but if I went to any other type of therapist they would never dream of using that word?

It made me feel upset because I was the only woman in the room and all the men laughed.




  1. Report him. This is absolutely unprofessional and has no place in any type of therapy. As a family therapist, I can assure you that his behavior is unacceptable and he needs to find a new profession before he does more harm than good.

  2. you deserve it.

  3. "I received a Minor in Possession of Alcohol citation at my college."

    Wow. I'm continually amazed by the ridiculous subjects these young women choose to study in college. d**n, first it was "Women's Studies", "Communications", "Fashion", now this?  

      Just because they put it in the catalog doesn't mean it's a good idea...

  4. Get over it.

    You took the responsibility of ACTING mature when you were drinking, Trying to show that you are ready for the real world, which apparently your not, otherwise you could have rhetorically said," Yeah, you would know, I heard you were somebodies in prison" and as for spelling, generation"X" is the worst group of spellers I've ever seen, they use cell phone text for everything.

    Sorry, if it's not what you want you want to hear, but by the sounds of it, your on your way to hearing a lot of what you don't want to hear.

  5. that's not professional at all, I would tell his boss.

  6. You need to report him. He shouldn't of treated you that way. After you report him, ask about another session  you can attend. That was very unprofessional of him to act like that and he shouldn't get away with it.

  7. "It made me feel upset because I was the only woman in the room and all the men laughed."

    Male bonding through sexism - wonderful.

    Report him to his superiors. Someone who's supposed to be helping people shouldn't have that attitude.

  8. If a man were similary insulted, do you think he'd run off crying to the authorities?! What does your counselor's divergence from standard written English have to do with anything?

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