
My relationship with my boyfriend, should it go on?

by Guest59447  |  earlier

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so im 17 now and i met my bf at a glbt community centre,we have been together for 2 years can during this yeard he would come over 3-4 times a week. we ould usually have protected s*x and when having oral he wudnt come in my mouth but in these weeks hes been asking he if could "load in me during oral and durning oral.

would this be safe for the both of us? or is better not to




  1. It is essential for both partners to get STD tests before having unprotected s*x of any kind.

  2. Hi Josh,

      No it's not safe to do that anymore.You can get any disease transfer into your mouth,lips,throat and not counting going down and into your stomach.If he rather have oral s*x and not intercourse i think i would be a little upset.Men get more out of cumming in oral.I don't mind oral and messing around before s*x to get you ready willing and able,but intercourse is the main event My Friend.

    Your Friend,


  3. Yes it is safe to do.  Its just a case of preference, whether you actually want that in your mouth haha.  but if your up for it, you should give it a try because it is perfectly safe

  4. well do u no his past ? if hes had s*x before because if he hasnt and he has a clean plate then its ok but youve been together for 2 years so im sure he'll tell u the truth :)

  5. Well you would know if he has been tested and if he is promiscous and what not. I think after two years You are the only one to know. I would continue with the safe s*x though. If he gets tested and is monogamous then it is entirely a personal decision.

    Good luck

  6. both of you get tested, it would make this a lot simpler

  7. Before doing anything like this he has to have a std test done.Then you can go for it.

    Do you know his past?Who he has been with?

    This is not a matter of trust ,but a matter to be sure.


  8. could be fun but you need to check he is clean

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