
My relationship with my boyfriend is making me feel aggravated, guilty and fed up...what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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so basically, we have been dating for a year and 2 months. hes gotten pretty clingy and very attached. he is a very nice guy and treats me really good but recently I feel like I have been babysitting him. he just turned 23 and lived with his parents up until about a week ago. he tried to move out of his house 2 other times before but ended up moving back in. he has had a bunch of jobs and cant hold one, and now he doesnt have one at all. since I moved to florida to go to college, he moved to florida too (in a town 6 hours away because his aunt and uncle live there and he was going to stay with them for a while). he packed up and left his aunts house to go "find an apartment" in Orlando or Cocoa Beach, and he expected to find one today by just driving and looking around! he called me and I got so aggravated with him because he doesnt think before he acts and I had to tell him what to do. but it makes me feel guilty when i get mad at him or try to ignore him. but he puts so much stress on me because I have to worry about him and im starting college at the same time. he took a bunch of different meds for anxiety and he said that none of them worked and then his doctor diagnosed him with ADHD and he got meds for that but it doesnt seem like they are working.

all in all he makes dumb desicions out of the blue and doesnt think rationally some times, and it drives me crazy because I feel like I have to take care of him. and it makes me feel guilty when I yell at him or am mean. and I will feel so stressed too. and he is the type that might go psycho if I break up with him. what do I do?




  1. Well i seriously dont recommend breaking up,imean come on he'sur Bf of almost a year and half now how can u think of breakin up with him so easily but that's just mu opinion .

    anyways why dont u try to help him?

    i mean he sounds like a good guy and not that kind of guy that he's too lazy and stuff he's tryin to find a job , it's not easy tofind one specially in new twon since he moved , PLUS u wanna break up with him and HE MOVED cuz he wants to stay With u .

    Plus u said u dont love him?

    so why u both were dating ?

    anyways thats kinda off topic .

    Now what i would suggest is try tohelphim finding a JOB , before finding an apartment cuz it makes no sense u he finds an apartment without a job cuz he has to make a living first .

    now try to help him finding a job first and then try to find an apartment .

    plus dont think he's using u he might wanna ask u everything\anything , that doesnt mean he'susing u , that eans he's trusting u .

    so hopefully i helped u and best of luck to u both .

    Good luck with the "college" thing  

  2. And why is this guy your boyfriend?  His clinginess and neediness is not your responsibility.  You don't love him (beyond caring).  He frustrates you.  He makes bad decisions.  He can't hold a job.  How much longer do you want to put up with this?  You can't do a thing to make him change.  You are in charge of your own feelings and relationships.  Choose wisely.

  3. I have been in your shoes, and trust me, if you stay with him, and continue to "babysit" him, you will end up hating him. Your level of irritation is very high, and you should be concentrating on your school work. If you think he will go psycho, get prepared ahead of time. Have a friend with you, so that you are not alone with him. He definitely has a personality problem, and you do not want to have to take care of him any more. Get out now, because it will only get worse.

    Good luck.

  4. Loosen the relationship a little, he will probably never change.

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