
My rents really want me to change schools, but i dont want to how do i tell them?

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My rents really want me to change schools, but i dont want to how do i tell them?




  1. First build up a list of reasons why you don't want to switch schools.  Maybe even write them down.  Make a couple concessions (in other words, say, "I know it's not as close as X Academy, but moving to a new school would make carpooling much more difficult in the future," or "I know it may not have graduation rates like such-and-such-a-school, but the teachers are really dedicated and I feel like I have a positive connection blah blah blah,").  You want to show them that you understand their reasons for wanting to move you, but show them the benefits your current school has.  Really think through this, and show them that you've done so.  Make sure to let them know that you appeciate that they're trying to get you the best education, or make things easier on you, whatever, but that there are solid reasons that you think keeping at this school will have a positive effect on your future.

    If they persist, talk to a coach or teacher you like and ask them to help you convince your parents that you are happy and doing well at your current school.

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