
My retainer is stuck! Is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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Its totally stuck, one side of the clear brace can come out, but the other side seems superglued to my teeth, I can stop crying because Im in agony from the retainer itself, and the more I try and take it out, the more awful it is. My dentist put it in today and said take it out from the sides by putting your nails sort of around and under the braces, but there is no where for my nails or even my fingers to grasp. I cant brush my teeth or eat, and Im total agony. Surely, its not supposed to be like this? My mum said maybe the retainer will sort of become more slack the more I wear it, but I cant keep it in forever, its so painful.




  1. Well if your having that many problems with it I'd contact the dentist that put it in and ask him question good luck just the same

  2. idk this is normal.

    you should tell ur parents about it or go to your orthodontist.

    maybe if u put butter in the middle of ur gums and ur retainer it might come out. or pull through the agony... sorry hun):

  3. of course its not "normal" as you said it is "totally stuck."  like OMG WTF you answered your own question! just give it a few days and calm down. you are getting stressed about nothing. just relax. ice your face your mouth might be swollen. just give it time.

  4. everyone goes through that if they have braces or a retainer. I have had both. So im sorry but deal with it. it will be fine in a few days. go get a smoothie

  5. I have had retainers and, no, I didn't experience that.

    I don't think it's normal.  Contact your dentist.

    Hope you can get assistance quickly. :-)

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