
My rhododendron has white fur on the underside of the leaves. Is this a fungus or type of plant?

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My rhododendron has white fur on the underside of the leaves. Is this a fungus or type of plant?




  1. Could be mealy bugs

    these pics get really close up, usually you can't see the individual bugs & just see white fuzz.

    A mix of half rubbing alchohol & half water will kill them but there is no residual to keep them off so you should get a systemic insectcide (absorbed by the plant like a fertilizer) to treat your rhodo too.

  2. Hi:

    Depending on certain weather conditions, Rhododendrons can develop a fungus or mites. I will link you to the simple solutions section of my website. There is a page on identifying pests and diseases. This may give you the information you are looking for. If you are not 100 percent sure, take a leaf into your local nursery or garden center. They will be able to identify the fungus or insect problem, and recommend the correct safe product for your Rhododendron. The Rhododendron is a beautiful plant specimen. I hope this information helps some and good luck to you. Have a great day!



  3. it could be botrytis blight, the plants are probably too close together,they need ventilation,also it can be caused by high humidity,take off the fading flowers and spray with copper sulphate

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