
My right eye's glasses and contact perscription the same?!?

by  |  earlier

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OK I got back from the doctor today and my glasses are -5.25 (left) -5.75 (right) my contact lenses are -5.00 (left) -5.75 (right) usually my glasses and contacts are different by -0.25 but this time my right eye's contact and glasses are the same! is this possible or is there a mistake!




  1. I think that you should call and ask exactly what you posted on here. Human error does occur and it'd be awful to order the contacts knowing that they are wrong. They may have you come in and try on a sample of the -5.00 (left) -5.75 (right) and you can test if it looks and feels right. Actually, if they don't offer, suggest it if you are worried about it not being correct. You have every right to do that.

  2. Yep, they made an error copying it , it looks like.

    But even worse is that with a 5.25 & 5.75, it has to be reduced by 0.50 . not just  0.25 to give you the same equivalent as your glasses.

    Your contacts should be -4.75 & - 5.25

  3. It's quite common, and nothing to worry about.  In fact, yours are fairly close.  I am far sighted in one eye and near sighted in the other.

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