
My right eye is blurry with or without contacts?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been wearing contacts for a year or two, and just a couple days ago I noticed that my right eye vision is extremely blurry. Without contacts, both eyes seemed to have the same amount of blurryness, but now I can't even read this with my right eye without going right up to the screen, and even then it's bad. With contacts, my left eye is normal and my right eye is still extremely blurry.

I don't know why, and I don't know what to do. I doubt it's my contacts, but I do know I had a serious eye infection about a month ago.

Everywhere I look gives me a headache because of the blurriness in one eye! It feels cloudy or something.

Thanks for your help.




  1. Do you go for a eye check every year? Then , you shouldnt have a problem.. just go get your eyes checked...

    and make sure to talk to them about your contacts.

    are you eyes red ? Then you might hae pink eye.....

  2. your eye may still be recovering from the eye infection or the infection made a change in that eyes prescription have a eye doctor check it out hope it gets better :]]

  3. You should go to the doctor and have them figure it out esp. since you just got done with an eye infection in that eye.

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