
My right eye no. is -0.75 wid cylindrical visionand left eye no. is -0.50can i get rid of spectacles?

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My right eye no. is -0.75 wid cylindrical visionand left eye no. is -0.50can i get rid of spectacles?




  1. hi

    i want o tell you that i am now in level 2

  2. You may be able to wear contact lenses.

    That is your only solution besides glasses.

  3. if you have problems seeing and that is why you found out you need glasses then you need the glasses but if not then you need to use them

  4. I dont think it would be a problem at all. You need to consult a good eye doctor and in all probabilities, he will be able to suggest some good exercises.

    You can also wear contacts

  5. Dear Swati,

    Please dont go for any LASER REFRACTIVE SURGERY

    you dont need it.

    If you want to get rid of your glasses you can wear contact lenses.

    Toric contact lenses are available for people who have astigmatic refractive error (or cylindrical power)

    You can also try spherical soft contact lenses which are relatively cheaper and check if your vision is manageable with those lenses.

    Dont even think that Pranayam, or yoga will help you get rid of your glasses.

    Dont take any tonic, or vitamin pills thinking this could reduce the refractive error you have.

    DONT ever even think of getting that eyepacks or eye goggles, whose commercials are very popular on TV these days. They will do no good to you but will only affect your pocket.

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