
My right eye slightly hurts when I'm rubbing it and whenever I put in eyedrops, it burns?

by  |  earlier

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It's only my right eye.

The eyedrops are fine, I put them in my left eye and it's totally okay. What's wrong with my right?

It has been this way for about two weeks.

Thanks in advance.




  1. go see a doc



    sign of inffection

  2. You may have scratched your cornea.  Rubbing it would make it worse.  You should really check with your doctor.  If it doesn't clear up it could become more serious.  Read this and see if it sounds like it:

    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Well the obvious remedy is to stop rubbing it. Also since no Dr.s are going to answer this, It's is impossible to troubleshoot your problem without looking at your eye or having any medical expertise.

  4. You could have an infection.  See an eye doc to check it out.  If it has lasted for 2 weeks, there is something wrong.

  5. try this..have someone blow air from his mouth into your infected tagalog, we call that "napuwing".....

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