
My right knee hurts when i run!?

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I started running today, and my right knee hurts. When i stretch my leg, my knee just hurts even more.

What can I do about it?




  1. You probably have some inflammation in your knee.  You should do RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elavation. . .

    Next, you need to figure out why.  Most people that I train can attribute knee and shin splint pain from running mechanics.  For some sprinters, they can have knee pain from practicing on the curves of the track. Continued sprinting puts different pressures on the knees because of the angle of the body.  Others, they are either running too far up on the toes instead of the balls of their feet or because their heels are hitting too hard on the ground.  This will put tremendous braking forces into the ground and your shins and knees will take the brunt of the trauma.  Basically, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.  If you run toe first or strong heel, your foot hits and the reaction travels up the front of your leg.  Until you get to you quad, it is all bone.  If you run on the balls of your feet with the heel very close to the ground or grazing your will be using the back of your leg with the glutes and hamstrings and to a lesser extent the calves getting most of the shock.

    Good luck!

  2. talk to your coach.  you dont want something to happen to you.  i talked to my coach, and he said to do cross training (like biking)  so that may help.  if you have grown a lot, that could also be the problem.

  3. The best thing you can to is go to a doctor.

    You can have anything from tendonitis to just irritated legiments and such.

    stay off of it till you can see a doctor.


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